Research has recently shown that a business’s Facebook page is a great asset in building a company’s email newsletter list. There are easy steps to take advantage of this for the business.
Create a Business Facebook Page
The first step is to set up a business Facebook page. The posts on this page should help to create the business’s authority in its niche. After all, customers want to do a business that is an expert in their field. Make sure that the posts are meaningful to the customers. Post on a regular basis. The best rate is every day or every other day. At an absolute minimum post once a week. Link each post to your company’s email newsletter.
Listen to Your Customers on Facebook
The second step is to read what others are saying about the product. Notice what problems they are having with the product. Notice unique ways that they are using the product. Notice what other areas the company’s customers are interested in.
Create a Compelling Email Newsletter
The third step is to create a compelling email newsletter. Use the notes from Facebook to connect with the readers. Discuss the things that they are interested in.
Points to Remember
Make sure that the company’s email has a compelling title that is between 45 and 60 characters long. Since many customers are using their mobile phones it is not only important that the title be compelling, but that the email newsletter is structured so that it can be read on a mobile device.
Eliminate the Need to Scroll
Put all vital information about the fold. Minimize the need to scroll. Scrolling on a mobile device is very hard for some customers. Eliminate this frustration.
Make sure that if you use an image that it really is necessary to convey your message. Provide img alt tags as many readers may have the images blocked to decrease bandwidth usage and increase load speed.
Make it easy for your reader’s to send the message on to their friends. 40% of all email newsletters are shared with others.